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OpenRoads Designer - Advanced civil works Level 2 - AulaGEO

Use CONNECT Edition - OpenRoads tool to Microstation civil design
256 Estudiantes Inscrito
25 valoraciones
Course details
Nivel : Bentley
Video : 3 hours
Certificate of Completion
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In this course we are going to go through different tools of Bentley Open Roads Designer Connect Edition.  This is a software version which combines the legacy star products of Bentley for infraworks: InRoads, GEOPAK and MX.

For this course, we will start with an introduction, over view, keyboard shortcuts and user interface / navigation in Bentley Open Roads Designer Connect Edition. We will learn the difference between Bentley Open Roads and other similar software. We will try to go through few basics to get started.

In this course, we are going to go through different tools of Bentley Open Roads Designer Connect Edition. It is an intermediate to advance level course we call it Level 3. For beginners, it is recommended to follow Level 1 and Level 2 prior to enrollment in Level 3. Previous modules started from beginner to intermediate level, where you can learn basics of horizontal and vertical geometry, creation of corridors and terrain modeling, etc. The later part i.e. Level 3 includes post-processing workspaces like Geotechnical, Survey, Drawing Production, and Drawing workspaces.

For this course, we will start with a quick introduction, afterwards, we will learn Geotechnical workspace with a quick review of Gint database, boreholes, and lithology cylinders. In the survey workspace, we will review and change the features of buildings and terrain, etc. from survey data. Later in the drawing production stage, we will learn to draft plans and profiles in single and multiple sheets respectively.

We will further grasp the concepts of Annotation, Dimensioning, Hatching, and Labeling. Students will learn how to add tables within Open Roads and from MS Excel. In the last part, the printing process and settings will be explained along with the batch printing procedure. At the end of the course, students will complete a practice exercise, revising the concepts of annotation, dimensioning, hatching and labeling, etc.


Course content

Getting started


Bentley Open Roads vs Autodesk Civil 3D

Getting Started

Keyboard Shortcuts

Geo technical workspace

Accessing gINT database in openroads

Updating borehole properties

Adding Terrain and bore holes

Lithology Cylinders

Borehole Navigation

New Data Set Creation (Depth – Length)

Water Level Data Set Creation (Depth Only)

Create Terrain from Data Set

Create Mesh from Data Set

Create Cross Section & Fence Diagram

Survey workspace

Accessing Survey Workspace

Review & Change Terrain Features

Review & Change Buildings Features

Review & Change End of Gravel Features

Survey Details

Importing ASCII Survey Data

Advance Survey Settings

Drawing production workspace

Single Plan Sheet

Double Plan Sheet

Plan-Profile Sheet

Name boundaries and sheets manager

Rectangular Plan-Profile Sheet

Separating Plan-Profile Sheet from Seed file

Complete Plan Sheet

Access Sheet Index

Labels Placement

Section View Sheet

Drawing workspace


Text Annotation

Notes Placement

Notes Placement

Adding Labels to Title Block

Adding General Notes to Title Block

Adding Tables to Title Block

Printing models and sheets

Print Model

Print Sheet

Batch print with different print styles

Final project

Road Way Section

How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
25 valoraciones
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