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OpenRoads Designer - Beginners civil works Level 1 - AulaGEO

Use CONNECT Edition - OpenRoads tool to Microstation civil design
577 Estudiantes Inscrito
107 valoraciones
Course details
Nivel : Bentley
Video : 3 hours
Certificate of Completion
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OpenRoads is the new combination of InRoads, GEOPAK and MX. In the Year in Infrastructure 2015 conference, Bentley Systems announced its OpenRoads CONNECT Edition software.

In this course we are going to go through basics of Bentley Open Roads Designer Connect Edition.

For this course, we will start with an introduction, over view, keyboard shortcuts and user interface / navigation in Bentley Open Roads Designer Connect Edition. We will try to go through all basics to get started.

We will try to cover up all basic commands to execute and edit horizontal geometries, vertical geometries, super elevations, corridors and terrains. We will also learn how to visualize different aspects of projects in different ways in order to get better conceptualization.

In later parts of this course, we will learn about civil cells which are preset templates in Bentley Open Roads Designer Connect Edition that become pretty handy when working on large scale projects.

Please be noted that there is no hard and fast rule to execute a specific command as there are multiple approaches to create similar output, however, we will try to follow the simplest approach possible to make this course easy and fun to learn for you.


Course content


Bentley Open Roads vs Autodesk Civil 3D

Getting Started

Keyboard Shortcuts


Create Horizontal Geometry from Scratch

Read existing Horizontal Geometry

Edit existing Horizontal Geometry

Modify existing Horizontal Geometry

Annotate HorizontalGeometry

Vertical Geometry View and Horizontal Geometry Report Generation


Create Vertical Geometry

Edit Vertical Geometry using Table Editor

Edit Vertical Geometry using Dynamic Input (Right Click)

Vertical Geometry Report Generation


Create Super elevation sections

Create Super elevation by road template

Super elevation rules and calculations

Super elevation view and edit

Super elevation report and CSV export

Super elevation table editor

CORRIDORS – the basics

Creating Corridor

3D View of Corridor

Template Drop

Cross Section View

Assign super elevation to corridor

TERRAIN – the basics

Read existing Terrain

Terrain Features

Editing Major and Minor Contours

Reference Terrain to 2D File

Editing Reference Terrain

Use of Element Templates

2D vs 3D Terrain View

Label Terrain Contours

Label Terrain Spot

Analyze Points


Civil Cell Placement

3D View of Civil Cell

Civil Cell Alternatives View

Edit Civil Cell Style

Edit Civil Cell Template

Edit Civil Cell Parameters

Edit Applied Surface Template

Parametric Constraints

Civil Cell Exercise

A Quick Virtual Tour

How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
107 valoraciones
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