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OpenRoads Specialization - Civil works MEGA course - AulaGEO

Learn OpenRoads - Beginners to Advanced level
Golgi Alvarez
116 Estudiantes Inscrito
16 valoraciones
Course details
Nivel : Bentley
Video : 9 hours
Certificate of Completion
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Section I – Level I – Beginners Civil Works design

OpenRoads is the new combination of InRoads, GEOPAK, and MX. At the Year in Infrastructure 2015 conference, Bentley Systems announced its OpenRoads CONNECT Edition software.

In this course, we are going to go through the basics of Bentley Open Roads Designer Connect Edition.

For this course, we will start with an introduction, overview, keyboard shortcuts, and user interface/navigation in Bentley Open Roads Designer Connect Edition. We will try to go through all the basics to get started. #AulaGEO

We will try to cover up all basic commands to execute and edit horizontal geometries, vertical geometries, super elevations, corridors, and terrains. We will also learn how to visualize different aspects of projects in different ways to get better conceptualization.

In later parts of this course, we will learn about civil cells which are preset templates in Bentley Open Roads Designer Connect Edition that become pretty handy when working on large-scale projects.

Please note that there is no hard and fast rule to execute a specific command as there are multiple approaches to create similar output, however, we will try to follow the simplest approach possible to make this course easy and fun to learn for you.

This section includes:

  • Horizontal geometry

  • Vertical geometry

  • Super elevation

  • Corridors – the basics

  • Terrain – the basics

  • Civil cells

Section 2 – Level II – Advanced Civil Work Design

At this level, we are going to go through different tools of Bentley Open Roads Designer Connect Edition. This is a software version that combines the legacy star products of Bentley for infraworks: InRoads, GEOPAK, and MX. #AulaGEO

We will start with an introduction, overview, keyboard shortcuts, and user interface/navigation in Bentley Open Roads Designer Connect Edition. We will learn the difference between Bentley Open Roads and other similar software. We will try to go through a few basics to get started.

We are going to go through different tools of Bentley Open Roads Designer Connect Edition. It is an intermediate to advanced level course we call it Level 3.

For this course, we will learn a Geotechnical workspace with a quick review of the Gint database, boreholes, and lithology cylinders. In the survey workspace, we will review and change the features of buildings, and terrain, etc. from the survey data. Later in the drawing production stage, we will learn to draft plans and profiles in single and multiple sheets respectively.

We will further grasp the concepts of Annotation, Dimensioning, Hatching, and Labeling. Students will learn how to add tables within Open Roads and from MS Excel. In the last part, the printing process and settings will be explained along with the batch printing procedure. At the end of the course, students will complete a practice exercise, revising the concepts of annotation, dimensioning, hatching, and labeling, etc.

This section includes:

  • Horizontal and vertical geometry – Advanced

  • Terrain modeling – Advanced

  • Working cooridors – Advanced

  • Lumen RT

Section 3 – Level III – Bentley OpenRoads Designer + Lumen Lesson

We will start with an introduction, overview, keyboard shortcuts, and user interface/navigation in Bentley Open Roads Designer Connect Edition.

We will try to cover up horizontal and vertical geometries creation, modification, and analysis concepts, followed by five practice exercises that will include the creation of offset geometries, Cul da Sec, End Tapers, Drive Way, and Curb Returns.

After horizontal and vertical geometries, we will cover Terrains or Surfaces. We will learn the creation of terrains using different methods like creation through ASCII Files, Corridors, Point Cloud Data (. POD Files), elements, etc. After creation, multiple aspects of terrains will be discussed like their modification, editing, and analysis.

Similar to Terrains, different aspects of corridors will be discussed in the later session. It will include the processes involved in the creation, edition, and modification of corridors and templates for corridors. Finally, there will be a practice exercise that will conclude the Module of Bentley Open Roads course.

Please note that there is no hard and fast rule to execute a specific command as there are multiple approaches to create similar output, however, we will try to follow the simplest approach possible to make this course easy and fun to learn for you.

This section includes:

Geo technical workspace

Survey workspace

Drawing production workspace

Drawing workspace

Printing models and sheets

Final project

How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
16 valoraciones
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